Monday, January 22, 2007

Alex and Spider

This is Alex and Spider-rat, the drongo cat that (while lovable) provides us with fur everywhere and fleas...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Alex Albert

Here is Alex, January 16 2007

This is taken withJacqui's new cell phone camera

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2006 recap

Well, it seems to have flown by, with lots of action, growth and fun. Highlights were:

The Big Day Out (even tho my feet hurt for 2 days afterwards!)
Going camping at Mimiwhangata (January), Te Arai (February), Tawhranui (March) (altho it poured down there for 3 days we had fun)
April going to the Gold Coast (planning conference) and Brisbane with Jac
April 21 - Alex's 8th birthday
Starting running in Winter
Having our Honda (Parked on the side of the road) written off by an unknown car, so enabling the purchase of a better car
Alex progressing well with his soccer
2 half marathons (one in October, one in November)
My 40th birthday party
Surprise visit from Megan
Movember (see earlier post!)
Visit from Mark Coster
Keith and Becky's wedding

I have also enjoyed reading books 1-5 of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King (more on this in a later post), a fantastic Shihad gig mid year, and generally lots of fun with Jac and Alex


Ah, what does this year hold ?

A big year at work for me (I'm not kidding!)
Alex is Year 5
Jac looks like she's going back to school - obtaining a literacy qualification - currently tossing up a couple of options

New Years itself was fun, we had some friends over and sat around the fire in the back yard (it was cold enough!) On new years day I started as I mean to go on - went for a run

Back to work - seeking to complete the lion's share of another report this week - currently it is 114 pages...Plan Change 13, hobsonville airbase re-zoning to residential, industrial and marine industry uses... Last week I was working on Plan Change 14 report - Hobsonville Village - a town centre and industrial precinct next to the airbase - got a lot oif it done, and are waiting on others now to deliver their components - as always this makes me nervous...